
Health Focus has been tasked by the Ministry of General Education (World Bank) in Zambia to design and implement an empowerment pilot to expand on the girl-only safe spaces model to include boys safe places in parallel. The pilot will test the added benefit of school-level and community-level activities. Potential activities will include sensitization of teachers and administrators, linking safe space girls and boys to PTAs to provide a student voice in decision-making, engaging parents, carrying out community conversations around SRGBV prevention and response. Once the intervention has been designed, Health Focus will implement the pilot in 3 districts over one school year and evaluate the impact. The aims of the project are to; 1) Raise awareness about SRGBV, 2) Develop a toolkit for training of teacher mentors and conduct the training, 3) Support change in attitudes among school administrators, teachers, parents, and community members towards SRGBV and in turn, 4) Contribute to a reduction in SRGBV in intervention schools.